Thrissur pooram festival

Thiruvambady Temple Situated at Thrissur city 1km towards north from Vadakumnathan, Thiruvambady is the dominant partner of “Thrissur pooram”. The main deity is Sreekrishna (Partha sarathy). This temple was in edakkalathur near Guruvayoor and devotees eloped with the idol during a communal rite and handed over to Kachanappilly Namboodiri family in thrissur. Pleased with the bajans by head of kachanappily mana the devi of Kodungallore came to thrissur on his umbrella – is the legend about bagavathy. The participant of the pooram is devi The Devi’s Thidambhu with Sreekrishna's Kolam is the uniqueness of this pooram . Other main festivals are “Ekadassy” and “vela”